Houston Middle School Girls Varsity Basketball Team Claims Top Spot in Dandy Dozen Rankings

girls basketball


In a thrilling ascent through the ranks of Memphis basketball, the Houston Middle School girls varsity basketball team has emerged as the #1 in the city, according to the prestigious Memphis Basketball Association’s Dandy Dozen rankings. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the team's relentless commitment, hard work, and an unyielding desire to be the best.  Their undefeated record reinforces the talent and dedication of the team.


Coach Kevin Caraway, the guiding force behind this impressive squad, noted that the secret to the team’s success isn’t so secret.  “The girls have worked extremely hard to get to this point,” Caraway says.  “Our program is not one that only works from Oct-Jan (the official basketball season).  We put in a ton of offseason work throughout the summer.”


The disappointment of the previous season's Regional semifinal loss served as a catalyst for the team's dedication, fueling their tireless efforts in pursuit of greatness.  Caraway notes “this group has been committed since we lost in the Regional semifinals last year.”


Coach Caraway emphasizes the essence of commitment and a genuine desire to improve as the driving forces behind the team's success. The players' willingness to invest time in studying film and analyzing their performances illustrates a mature and disciplined approach to the game. The coach's admiration for the team is evident in his assertion that they are the best group he has ever had the privilege to coach, a testament to their exceptional qualities both on and off the court.


Watching this team play, it’s obvious that they share an unbridled hunger for success. The players' fearless dedication to putting in the necessary time and effort sets them apart, demonstrating a shared vision of achieving championship status. Coach Caraway says “The group is special because they want it. They aren’t afraid to put in the time and effort needed to be a championship team. Our players and parents deserve a ton of credit.”


The Houston Middle School girls varsity basketball team's rise to the top of the Memphis Basketball Association’s Dandy Dozen rankings is not merely a triumph in the realm of sports; it is a narrative of resilience, commitment, and a shared pursuit of excellence. The players' journey, marked by offseason dedication and a thirst for improvement, reflects the values instilled by Coach Caraway and the entire coaching staff.


This remarkable achievement also underscores the importance of a supportive community, as acknowledged by Coach Caraway. The collaboration between players, parents, and coaching staff has created an environment conducive to success. The team's ascent to the #1 spot is a collective victory, showcasing the impact of teamwork, discipline, and a relentless pursuit of greatness.


As the Houston Middle School girls varsity basketball team basks in the glory of being ranked #1 in the City of Memphis, their journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring athletes and a source of pride for the entire school community. This achievement is not just a reflection of their skills on the court; it is a testament to the character, resilience, and unwavering determination that define this exceptional group of young athletes.